Welcome to Acupuncture by Gosia, an inviting and peaceful space to experience the life-changing benefits of this ancient medicine.
Acupuncture has many benefits, including
relief from stress, anxiety and depression pain reduction energy, emotional and hormonal balancing increased immunity healthy sleep improved digestion allergy and asthma relief increased fertility and pre and post natal care Please call or email me today! 416.525.4571 |
Gosia Pacyna is fully licensed and registered with the College of TCMP and carries the designation of R.TCMP/R.Ac.
TCM is fully regulated in the province of Ontario, and is exempt from HST.
TCM is fully regulated in the province of Ontario, and is exempt from HST.
Acupuncture by Gosia Pacyna R.TCMP /R.Ac – Bloor St. West & Royal York, Toronto (416) 525-4571