Cosmetic Acupuncture
by Gosia Pacyna R.TCMP, Bloor St. West & Royal York, Etobicoke
Cosmetic Acupuncture, also known as Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture, is a natural beauty treatment that also improves your health. The treatments combine the use of acupuncture, Chinese herbs, massage and aromatherapy in a customized formula for each individual. Cosmetic Acupuncture is a natural, safe and effective alternative to more invasive procedures such as surgery or injections. WHAT DOES IT DO? There are two main benefits of Cosmetic Acupuncture – a cosmetic benefit and a health benefit. The cosmetic benefit is intended to help reduce signs of facial aging. Cosmetic Acupuncture increases collagen production, tightens facial muscles, softens wrinkles, improves skin texture and moisture, and creates a radiant, youthful glow. The health benefit helps improve your total health, including hormonal imbalance, digestive problems and emotional stress. Your face is a reflection of your emotional, physical and spiritual health. You will look and feel younger as a result of healthier functioning of your whole body. You will experience enhanced well-being and increased self-esteem. Cosmetic Acupuncture treatments will enhance both, your inner and your outer beauty. |
[ Cosmetic Acupuncture is not a facelift
[ No surgical procedure is involved
[ No harsh chemicals or enzymes are used
[ Results are more subtle than surgery
[ The side effects are minimal compared to other treatments.
The first visit is one-and-a-half to two hours in length. At this time we perform an evaluation and create an individualized program suited to your concerns and constitution.
Expect to fill out a medical history as well as answer questions about your reasons and goals for seeking Cosmetic Acupuncture.
Fine, hair-like needles are used on acupuncture points on the body for systemic support. Then tiny needles are placed at a variety of points in the ears, on the face and neck, and around the eyes and mouth. The needles remain inserted for approximately 25 minutes. The session closes with a facial Tuina massage. This ensures proper lymphatic drainage and toxic elimination.
The face then "lifts" itself through the muscle's rejuvenation and tightening action. The body's energy is stimulated, as well as blood and circulation, which improves facial color and enhances collagen production.
Generally, a course of treatment consists of 10 to 12 sessions. Most people will feel and see results immediately. The effects become most noticeable and lasting after about the seventh session. Each person responds differently, depending on their condition prior to treatment and their lifestyle. Following the initial course of treatment, monthly maintenance sessions are advised.
Note: Cosmetic acupuncture is not recommended for those with certain conditions. During the initial assessment, your therapist will advise whether you fall in this category. Also, please be aware that there is a possibility of a slight bruising, which will normally disappear within few days.
Margaret (Gosia) Pacyna is certified in the application of Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture. She has studied the theories and techniques of this procedure as taught by Mary Elizabeth Wakefield, L. Ac., M.S., one of two main creators and experts in this field.
Acupuncture by Gosia – Bloor St. West & Royal York – Toronto (416) 525 - 4571