Acupuncture and Digestive health
by Gosia R.TCMP, Roncesvalles Village,Toronto
by Gosia R.TCMP, Roncesvalles Village,Toronto
Can acupuncture and TCM help gastroinstestinal problems? The World Health Organization recognizes acupuncture and TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) ability to treat over 43 common clinical disorders, among them: [ abdominal pain [ indigestion [ heartburn/acid reflux [ constipation [ irritable bowel syndrome [ stress-related digestive symptoms [ celiac disease |
Acupuncture, herbal medicine and Chinese diet therapy can be used to reduce symptoms, ease recovery and help the body heal and function effectively. Many digestive conditions, both acute and chronic, respond well to TCM. Treatment with TCM restores the body’s natural balance and helps prevent future dysfunction. In holistic medicine, the stomach and digestive tract are known to be places of emotional holding. There is often a significant emotional component to digestive problems such as IBS, acid reflux and constipation. Acupuncture is very effective for treating stress-related digestive conditions – it can help you identify and release held emotions, such as sadness and anger that can impede digestion.
Acupuncture by Gosia – Bloor St. West & Royal York – Toronto (416) 525 - 4571